Back to the Old House
Burning Hill
Come to Me
Liquid Smooth
Paper Bag
Me and the Devil
You Should Come Over



San Francisco


hiiii welcome to my armand scrapbook this page is not mobile friendly, and might be difficult to use with smaller monitors. Works best in chrome. Firefox works okay but some stylistic elements aren't quite right. tips:
  • larger images may be hard to get on the canvas, if this is the case try a couple different spots (scroll down so you have more free canvas space). If images are partially off the border of canvas when dropped, they will not stay.
  • to remove images, drag them partially off the border of the canvas.
  • images will automatically be stacked in order of last - first. when you reposition something, it will be moved to the top layer.
  • size buttons work for the most recently clicked item, not the most recently dragged. to change the size of an item click on it first, then select the size.
  • ambience available above. Some are directly from the show, others are edits. If you click the "edit sources" box next to the audio player, there are links to the original posts of each of the edits, please check them out!